Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2022

On the 8th of December we were delighted to sing the sacred chant for the feast of the Immaculate Conception at St James Coatbridge. The Mass was a beautiful example of what the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council called for in Sacrosanctum Concilium (in continuity with St Pius X and Ven. Pius XII); ad orientem, with worthy vestments, all the Gregorian Chant Propers and Ordinary in Latin in addition to beautiful traditional hymns after the offertory and communion antiphons. To mark the occasion of Fr Denney’s ordination, the communion was the moving ‘Draw nigh and take’ from the St Andrew’s Hymnal.

The organ music was taken from Leon Boellman’s Suite Gothique.

Selections from the Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2022

On the remaining Thursdays of December, I was pleased to preceded my chant class by singing the Rorate Masses at St James where the people are very kind and who really appreciate the chant. The beauty of these Masses drew incredible numbers for weeknights in winter and this was sustained until the final celebration. The ancient liturgical tradition of the Roman Rite still speaks to our souls and these Masses evidence that this can be achieved in celebrations according to the Missal of St Paul VI as well as that of St Pius V, where there is the will and knowledge to make it so. Cue our Free Chant Class!- Thursday at 7.30pm at St James Coatbridge. Ave Maria! FP

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