
18th October 2023 :: Sung Requiem Mass, Mr Pat Hughes

Sung Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

2nd November 2023 :: Feast of All Souls

Sung Requiem Mass in the Ordinary Form, St Brigid’s Toryglen, 7pm

4th November 2023 :: First Saturday Mass, St Charles Borromeo

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

7th November 2023 :: Annual Requiem Mass

Sung Requiem Mass in the Ordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 7pm

21st November 2023 :: Gregorian Chant- a treasure of inestimable Value

An introductory talk on chant to be given by Fraser Pearce to the Mens’ group at St James Coatbridge

2nd December 2023 :: First Saturday Mass

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

7th December 2023 :: Rorate Mass

Sung Mass in the Ordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 7pm

8th December 2023 :: The Immaculate Conception

Sung Mass in the Ordinary Form, St Brigid’s Toryglen, 7pm TBC

14th December 2023 :: Rorate Mass

Sung Mass in the Ordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 7pm

17th December 2023 :: Solemn Second Vespers of Gaudete Sunday

Evening Prayer of the Church chanted in Latin

21st December 2023 :: Rorate Mass

Sung Mass in the Ordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 7pm

2nd February :: Candlemas

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St Brigid’s Toryglen, 7pm

3rd February 2024 :: First Saturday St Blaise

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge 10am

5th February 2024 :: Sung Compline

Chanted Night Prayer- Male voices
Te lucis ante terminum, Tallis
In manus tuas, Sheppard

2nd March 2024 :: First Saturday

Sung Mass in the extraordinary form. St James Coatbridge 10am

Past Engagements

5th November 2022 :: First Saturday Missa Cantata

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

29th October 2022 :: Funeral Mass

Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

3rd December 2022 :: First Saturday Missa Cantata

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

8th December 2022 :: Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Sung Mass in the Ordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 7pm

11th December 2022 :: Gaudete Sunday

Solemn Vespers and Benediction, St Brigid’s Toryglen, 5pm

7th January 2023 :: Requiem Mass for Pope Benedict XVI

Sung Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

1st February 2023 :: Feast of St Brigid

Solemn Mass in the Ordinary Form, St Brigid’s Toryglen, 7pm

4th March 2023 :: Ember Saturday : First public liturgy sung by our chant class who will sing the Mass Ordinary

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St James Coatbridge, 10am

1st April 2023 :: Saturday in Passion Week

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, Cantores Matris Dei and Chant Class, St James Coatbridge, 10am

6th April 2023 :: Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Cantores Matris Dei and Chant Class, St James Coatbridge, 7pm

6th May 2023 :: Mass of Our Lady on Saturday

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, Cantores Matris Dei and Chant Class, St James Coatbridge, 10am

26th May 2023 :: Wedding

Solemn Nuptial Mass, St James Coatbridge

28th May 2023 :: Pentecost

Solemn Vespers and Benediction, St Brigid’s Toryglen, 5pm

3rd June2023 :: First Saturday Mass

Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form, Cantores Matris Dei and Chant Class, St James Coatbridge, 10am

8th June2023 :: Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament

Sung Mass in the Ordinary Form, Cantores Matris Dei and Chant Class, St James Coatbridge, 7pm